Beautiful wedding pictures are not only the ability of a photographer to correctly build a composition, set camera settings and process images after. The ideal picture is made up of many factors. When choosing a wedding photographer, brides are guided by his portfolio, but they do not always realize what kind of work is behind each of the pictures, and how many details need to be taken into account in order for everything to work out.

A lot depends on the choice of a site for a ceremony, a banquet, and even morning gatherings, on the work of a decorator on it, and even on competent lighting. A professional photographer, of course, will make sure that nothing superfluous and ugly gets into the frame, but it is impossible to create a picture of a fabulous wedding on the ocean without the ocean. In addition, consulting with the photographer at the site selection stage is a win-win solution: most likely, he has already shot another wedding there and knows all the pitfalls and nuances that you will not see on the website of the hotel or restaurant.
Stylist and rehearsal
To enjoy your reflection in the mirror and the image in the photographs, take the time to find a wedding stylist and be sure to sign up for a hair and makeup rehearsal. Magazine, glossy retouching is no longer in fashion, but a well-chosen and professionally executed image is doubly relevant: with it you will feel the most beautiful on your wedding day and will definitely be satisfied with the portraits.

Focus on yourself and your taste: think about whether you want to try on different wedding dress, a couple look with the groom, a look with sunglasses and large earrings, and so on. The photographer will always tell you which thing (down to the color and print on the fabric) will look better.
It is important to find in advance examples of pictures that you definitely want to get, and those that you do not want. Discuss images and details (guests, wedding cake, features of the site). So you and the photographer will be able to tune in to the same wave and better understand each other’s tastes.
Room for creativity
When putting together a mood board, you don’t need to think that on your wedding day you will strictly adhere to these references. This is your wedding, not a commercial shoot with a clear specification. Leave yourself and the photographer space for spontaneity and creativity.

Photographer contact
A personal meeting, or at least a call with a photographer before the wedding, is a significant contribution to successful shots. This way you don’t have to waste precious time on your wedding day to relax and get used to it. Prepare a list of questions if you feel uncomfortable talking to a stranger, but most importantly, listen to advice. The photographer is interested in beautiful pictures no less than you, because this is his brainchild, his work, and his portfolio.
Photo by İbrahim Hakkı Uçman from Pexels