Embracing All White

Embracing All White

Becoming engaged is a monumental moment in a girls life.  It’s something most girls dream about and usually they have most of their wedding planned before they even have a boyfriend.  You picture you’re big day countless times and how great it will be and all the fun you, you’re friends, and family will have and yes all of these things are true but in reality you’re big day comes and goes entirely too fast.  Before you know it you’re married.  From the moment you get engaged I think you should embrace being a bride and the time you have to be engaged.  With that being said here are some great style options to incorporate all white into you’re everyday life until you’re wedding day when you will wear you’re all white dress.

This dress is flawless.  It’s a twist on old hollywood glam and is fabulous to wear on dinner dates, bridal appointments, or even to take some engagement or bridal pics in!

This white dress is also another great option.  It would be really cute to wear to look at wedding venues and what not.  Simple but classy.

Maybe you work at an office?  Why not incorporate all white into you’re work attire with an all white business suit.

What a great weekend outfit!  Super casual but so cute.  It would be perfect for going shopping, meeting you’re bridesmaids up for lunch, or even just a day with the family.

This outfit is show stopping.  It is the perfect choice for all white on a night on the town!

Life’s too short to wear boring clothes.  Embrace being a bride and embrace wearing all white!